in person classes

in person Classes
The Garden Room at The Wimbledon Club

One-hour live in person classes

Mon 9.15am
Mon 10.30am
Mon 6pm
Mon 7.15pm

Tues 9.15am
Tues 10.30am

You may book either ad hoc in person classes OR a course of classes throughout the Spring, Summer, and Autumn terms.

All abilities are welcome.

Returning clients must inform Lisa about any changes to their physical health since their first assessment of physical activity readiness (PAR-Q).

  • £192.00 – block of 13 classes per term (£16/class)
    £108.00 – block of 6 classes per term (£18/class)
    £20 – per ad hoc class

    Wimbledon Club Members rate

    £182.00 – block of 13 classes per term (£16/class)
    £96.00 – block of 6 classes per term (£18/class)
    £18 – per ad hoc class

  • Hit ‘BOOK A CLASS’ (green button) on this page or main navigation.

    Select ‘LIVE CLASS’ from the booking panel.

    If you intend to come every week or at least every other week then first select and buy a package deal. You must book the package first otherwise you will be charged the ad hoc rate if you just book the classes first.

    Then select a day and time that suits you best then follow the instructions on screen.

    You will be asked for ‘YOUR INFORMATION’.

    Once you have made your selection, your classes will be confirmed before proceeding to payment which is automated secured by Stripe. Simply enter your card details to complete the transaction. You will receive email confirmation of any payments made for your records.

    IF YOU ARE NEW to SW19 Pilates?
    Please visit New Clients.

    RETURNING SW19 Pilates clients
    You can now create an account on our booking system to book your regular classes. Follow the on-screen instructions to securely store your information. This enables an easy login for future bookings.

    Please notify Lisa of any health changes prior to joining a class.

  • If you are unable to make a class you can reschedule online for another day OR request an VIDEO class to catch up in your own time. Use the rescheduling feature in the booking panel. (Alternatively email Lisa Newsom Davis for an VIDEO catch up class).

  • Please have the following assists in your kit bag for classes:

    – Mat
    – Pilates soft ball (7”)
    – Theraband
    – Resistance hoop
    – Tennis ball
    – Folded towel for neck alignment (if required)
    – Block/folded towel for sitting up straight (if required)

Lisa is always aware of where her class is in relation to the term and/or year; always starting us gently at the beginning of the school year and becoming more focused as the weeks rush by.

I always finish Lisa’s classes, feeling taller and more aligned with myself and my immediate environs.
— Christobel Decruz
The classes are small and friendly. Each session, Lisa chooses a certain area of the body to work on (knee, lower back etc.) and explains which muscles are being employed and exercised.

I have no hesitation in recommending Lisa’s classes.
— David (Wimbledon)
Instructor supports client's neck with her left hand whilst client raises her head and shoulders forward towards bent knees, feet on matt, arms by her side, crunching her abdominal muscles. Instructor's right thumb & forefinger on client's diaphragm

Private One-to-one lessons

For a full postural assessment, and advise which direction you personally would benefit from working on, and the opportunity for you to ask questions on the focus of the exercises, or just as a refresher to make you feel more comfortable before starting in the group classes, a one on one session is recommended.

Private one-to-one lessons are limited depending on availability.

Please email Lisa Newsom Davis to discuss your requirements.