Video classes – Coming soon

SW19 Pilates Online Video Classes with video still showing Lisa Newsom Davis demonstrating using resistant bands in floor mat exercises

SW19 Pilates – Online video classes

SW19 Pilates will soon be offering a series of Online Video Classes. You can choose to buy individual classes, a bundle of 5, sign up for specific courses, or take up an annual subscription to access all new Online Video Classes throughout the year.

You can choose to do the classes when it suits you, in the comfort of your own home, (or elsewhere) to do as many times as you like per week. You can invite others to join in with you, whether that be at home – or away on holiday.

  • SW19 Pilates will soon be offering a series of Online Video Classes.

    A full list of VIDEO classes will be available to view here soon.

    You can choose to buy individual classes, a bundle of 5, sign up for specific courses, or take up an annual subscription to access all new Online Video Classes throughout the year.

    Sign up to receive updates about these and more on our home page.

  • £5– per INDIVIDUAL online class
    £20 – for a BUNDLE of 5 online classes
    £40 – for specific COURSES (courses range from 10-15 online classes)
    £99 – for an ANNUAL subscription for complete access to all new online video classes per year.

  • – Mat
    – Pilates soft ball (7” ideally)
    – Theraband
    – Tennis ball
    – Folded towel for neck alignment (if required)
    – Block/folded towel for sitting straight (if required)
    – Bottle of water

Regular Pilates sessions have made me much more aware of my posture and has helped to build up my core strength. As a result I now have significantly less aches and pains
— Anonymous
Same high standard of teaching which keeps me on track for the required amount of time!
— Jane Charlesworth
It makes me feel much better and helps not only my physical well being but also my mental well being. Having such a positive teacher really helps!
— Amanda Frost
Always different, always delightful, Lisa’s classes put you through a deceptively gentle set of themed exercises that leave you feeling well moved!
— Wendy Flood