Testimonials – what people are saying:

Keeping my body moving and stretching helps my overall well-being. Exercising with a small group is always encouraging and enjoyable under Lisa’s tutelage with her knowledgeable, calm and motivating manner.
— Vicky Green
Suffering lower back pain I went to osteopaths and a sports therapist who helped me manage the condition (work round it) some relief was available, but none permanent. Someone at the tennis club suggested I took up Pilates.

So, I began with Lisa. Imagine my amazement that, after the first session, I was restored to full health the next afternoon! Now, I can walk for miles without stopping.
— David (Wimbledon)
As a professional cellist of many years, small tensions, poor posture and repetitive aches and pains had become part of my daily existence. I found Lisa’s pilates sessions really valuable in allowing me to relax, re-balance and build back strength where necessary.

Lisa is always very clear and patient at explaining each exercise, very observant when it is not being done completely correctly and if need be she can even demonstrate! A lovely friendly manner and a warm atmosphere
— Michael Ronayne
Pilates with Lisa is one of the highlights of my week. I leave Lisa’s friendly and supportive class not only feeling more supple and strengthened but also much happier and calmer.
— Lucy Tubbs
Always different, always delightful, Lisa’s classes put you through a deceptively gentle set of themed exercises that leave you feeling well moved!
— Wendy Flood
Over the past 12 years Lisa‘s Pilates classes have strengthened my inner core and improved my posture. I love the relaxing and encouraging atmosphere with subtle music and stimulating instructions from Lisa and her watchful eyes, correcting where needed. Thank you, Lisa!
— Iris Ronayne
My weekly Pilates class is now a permanent fixture in my life. Most weeks I don’t feel like doing it! But I know that if I do, that feeling of fatigue and lethargy will disperse and I’ll have more energy available for other tasks .. Also a long-standing back problem is now a distant memory and I’m sure Pilates has a hand in keeping it at bay. Lisa is an inspirational teacher and I highly recommend her classes.
— Veronica Tuffrey